
    Community Participation

    Community Engagement in Plantation Programs

    The plantation drive witnessed enthusiastic participation from students, parents, teachers, and local residents. Volunteers gathered to plant saplings within the school premises and nearby areas, creating green spaces that contribute to environmental sustainability. The program was designed to instill a sense of responsibility towards nature among students, encouraging them to nurture the plants they helped to plant.

    Swachhata Pakhwada Integration

    Aligned with the principles of Swachhata Pakhwada, the plantation program also promoted cleanliness and hygiene. Participants were encouraged to engage in cleaning activities, which complemented the tree-planting efforts. This dual approach not only beautified the surroundings but also reinforced the message of maintaining a clean and green environment. Awareness sessions on waste management and the importance of cleanliness further enriched the experience for all involved.

    Involvement During Parents-Teachers Meetings

    The Parents-Teachers Meetings served as an excellent platform to enhance community participation. Parents were informed about the environmental initiatives and encouraged to take part in the plantation activities. This collaboration fostered a sense of community ownership and involvement, as families came together to support the initiative. Engaging parents in discussions about the significance of environmental stewardship ensured that the message resonated beyond the school, inspiring action at home and in the wider community.